
Testing mission Due to Covid 19 pandemic travel restrictions, the review mission took place virtually from April 26 – May 3, 2021. The review mission was planned and executed by several representatives from BFW, an external consultant from BFW, an external reviewer, and a sequa project manager. Discussions were held with the potential project partners ATTC, NVTI and Design & Technology Institute (DTI), GIZ, GOVET and iMOVE, the Ghana Chamber of Commerce Abroad (AHK), several Ghanaian and German companies from the construction sector in Ghana, the Sector Skills Body Construction and the Foreign Construction Association.

Documentation of good practices and development of institutional strategies for marketing, recruitment, cooperation, implementation and financing of (dualized) training courses with a high practical component.

Analysis of the equipment situation, provision of basic tools for construction trades, initiation of modernization of workshops within the framework of corporate cooperation.

Development of short qualification courses and new offers for companies and potential skilled workers (e.g. selected university graduates within the framework of the National Service Scheme).

PR measures to increase the attractiveness of construction professions/training; e.g. via social media, `Construction bus`, individualized banner ads, testimonials (possibly together with DTI).

Introduction of innovative recruiting processes for students: e.g. game-based-approaches, interest test, trial days.

Analyze existing education and training offerings in the construction sector and identify current shortcomings and needs for improvement (methods, tools, etc.).

Train-the-trainer measures within the existing education and training offers (e.g. measurements, handling of basic tools) – joint trainings for TVET trainers, in-company trainers and master craftsmen as multipliers.

Ausgewählte Ausbildungen mit dualen Elementen anreichern, d.h. mit koordinierten Ausbildungsphasen auf den Baustellen unter Supervision – verstärkte Abstimmung und follow-up Planung; bei Bedarf Konzeption von Verträgen inkl. Versicherung (training agreement).

Development and implementation of practical projects in the vocational training centers in cooperation with the cooperating companies (e.g. refurbishment of the ATTC pavilion or work orders of the companies that are manufactured in the vocational training centers).

Development and implementation of e-learning elements to complement practical training.

Capacity development and support of the work of the Liaison Officers to build and maintain a business network for the selected construction trades.

Regular exchange, reporting and intensive cooperation with the Sector Skills Body Construction by the project team (e.g. as co-host); development of recommendations and experience reports.

Capacity building in the companies or of multipliers through training of in-company trainers (technical, pedagogical-didactic).

Collaboration with Sector Skills Body Construction; elaborate recommendations, joint events, project acts as co-host of Sector Skills Body Construction.

Implementation of competitions for vocational students (skills competitions).

Measures to improve labor market integration or search for skilled workers for companies; e.g. recommendation systems, speed dating event between companies and graduates.

Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Zusammenarbeit von Berufsbildungszentren und Unternehmen des Bausektors (z.B. jährliche Industry-Days an den Berufsbildungszentren, round-table, Podiumsdiskussionen etc.).

Development of a concept for sponsoring by companies and support in actively approaching companies for sponsoring activities (e.g. for consumables).