Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie NRW gGmbH
BFW is a non-profit limited company whose main task is to support around 300 construction companies in North Rhine-Westphalia in the training and further education of their employees. BFW operates three training centers (ABZ) in Kerpen, Oberhausen and Hamm. The staff at the three ABZs are responsible for training and continuing education, occupational health and safety, dual study programs, and international and national projects. The target groups are trainees, employees, prospective master craftsmen and craftsmen. ABZ Kerpen will be responsible as a direct contact due to its many years of experience in national, European and international projects. It employs over 85 people in the areas of administration, training and further education, at the vocational college and for the guest house, as well as project management. BFW already has experience in the implementation of international cooperation projects, including currently as a sub-project partner at the Ankara and Istanbul sites of the BMZ-funded “German-Turkish Partnership for Vocational Qualification”.
The professional management of the PA project is carried out by the Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie NRW gGmbH (BFW-NRW). In approval by the BMZ, the BFW-NRW is responsible for the implementation of the project activities – based on an agreement with sequa. The tasks of the technical management include the planning, control and monitoring of all project activities, the management of the project team and the reporting to sequa. The percentage of the technical steering is about 14.99% of the total project budget.